*******************. Ruined my life... :)


LSB Member
OK so maybe not.
Just wanted to thank ******** for getting me an awesome deal on a Zeus 640.
It showed up today and I was expecting it tomorrow. I got the 2x 640-42mm where I'm at it's thick woods and I wanted the wide field of view I wasn't sure I had made the right chose bit now I definitely am. Mounted this on my .25cal $1,700 pellet rifle and headed out to look for the coyote that's been hanging around ended up finding a jackrabbit 5 deer a skunk 4 or 5 racoons an opossum and a speedy mouse. Also clear on the other side of the property about 700 yards away I saw someone who was taking their dog out for a midnight poo.

The jackrabbit didn't survive the night they are considered pests here and you can shoot them on your farm.

The wind hit hard and it started snowing/raining really hard so had to call it a night :(
It's not ideal thermal conditions so I'm just awake inside wishing it would stop raining so I could go back out and look around some more.

Was really neat to see all the things I couldn't see in my gen3 PVS 14

My recorder should show up tomorrow or Monday so I'll hopefully start making some videos soon to share with you all.


LSB Active Member
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Merry Christmas


LSB Member
Only two more things to add. Got to add my IR laser/illuminator on the left side take the bipod off and add a rmr on a 45degree mount for backup and use with the white light I know it's a lot of stuff to hang off a rifle but the rmr and IR laser will be quite useful. The bipod was on cause I just shot a 3 gun match and had to shoot open casue of the rmr on my pistol so decided for the long rage shots to use the bipod. Took 2nd in open so it was a decent day :)


LSB Active Member
Only two more things to add. Got to add my IR laser/illuminator on the left side take the bipod off and add a rmr on a 45degree mount for backup and use with the white light I know it's a lot of stuff to hang off a rifle but the rmr and IR laser will be quite useful. The bipod was on cause I just shot a 3 gun match and had to shoot open casue of the rmr on my pistol so decided for the long rage shots to use the bipod. Took 2nd in open so it was a decent day :)
Congrats on the match. That's an accomplishment


LSB Member
Congrats on the match. That's an accomplishment
Thanks last year I was shooting a lot and competing quite a bit but this is my 2nd match back so I was happy with my placing but not my performance.
I dropped several shotgun shells in the first stage trying to load on the run and that cost me the match. Had to leave 3 targets standing cause I was out of ammo. Hopefully next time I'll be back in good shooting shape and not have any dumb fumbles.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to come to Texas and test out my 3 gun skills on some pigs! So far I only get to shoot small rodents and things :(