Texas Governor Signs Knife Rights Switchblade Ban Repeal


Highlands, Texas
Texas Governor Rick Perry, signed the Texas Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, HB1862, the culmination of an aggressive lobbying effort by Knife Rights.

This repeal goes into effect on September 1, 2013. Please note that all other knife restrictions in Texas law, as well as existing local restrictions such as in San Antonio, remain in effect.

HB1862 is the FIFTH Pro-Knife Bill Knife Rights passed this year!
HB1862 is the FOURTH Switchblade/Knife Ban Repeal Knife Rights passed this year!

Knife Rights would like to thank Gov. Perry for signing HB1862 and Representative Harold Dutton and Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa for sponsoring this bill. We would also like to thank Knife Rights volunteer W. Scott Lewis for his tenacious assistance on the ground in Austin.

Thanks also to all of you who called and emailed your legislators in Austin when we asked for support. Those calls and emails make a big difference when we are on the ground lobbying in the Capitol.

Knife Rights will be back in 2015 to fix the rest of Texas knife laws and pass Knife Law Preemption, Knife Rights' signature knife law reform.
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LSB Official Story Teller
LoneStarBoars Supporter
This is definitely a step in the right direction. Congrats Tejas !!


New Member
Txcoondog - Thank you for the information and any effort you sacrificed to make this happen. I've made my living with knives for over 27 years and to have ANY law which restricts the use, carry, or possession, of ANY knife is beyond me. Too much fear mongering from folks who don't understand that knives are tools....period! Thank you again!