Thermal Is Bad !!!!


New Member
Not really. But this is what I experienced last PM.

A hunting club member asked me to go with him to try and kill some hogs that have been rooting up his deer plots. He went to one plot with his Gen I ruski shitski and I went to another plot with my thermal. We got set up before dark.

I set up as to look down towards his planted plot from about 60yds away. The "problem" was that I was looking down between the rows of 4 year old planted pines. They are planted in rows,with each tree being 3-4 inches in diameter,10-12 feet apart,and the rows were about 15-20 feet apart. I quickly noticed that they all were heated by the full sun that we had yesterday,and they all glowed white hot. I was looking down between a mass of white and it seemed to spill over towards the bushes and ground. I tried turning down my gain and it was still as bad. I tried the different heat selections(colors) and it was even worse. The best was the red hot with the black crosshairs selected. doubt if a hog would have stepped out to in between the rows I could have easily targeted him. But if he would have stood in between the pine trees in the row ..... I doubt it. I'm still doing the "learning curve" thing with my thermal. I learn something new every time out.

One of the very best things is to watch the animal closely when the trigger breaks. You can actually see how badly he has been hit by how much hot substance comes off of him. To any thermal users out there ---> I would strongly suggest that you choose a chambering/bullet combo so that the bullet will completely pass thru the intended target animal.

Good Hunting To All --- Trieu Dang


LSB Member
Yes, its just a learning curve. Seeing in thermal is different than seeing in Color, and if we expect to see the same amount of detail with RGB then you will be sadly dissapointed. In the same story you can be incredibly happy with the image that Thermal optics produce. The more you practice, the more you understand the limits and the benefits to thermal optics.


Destin FL
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Here in FL I hunt pretty much the same situation you do, planted pines in rows of various sizes. The more detail you can achieve the better.