On/Stand-By Armasight


LSB Member
Does On/Stand By toggle actively use battery from the armasight unit?

If so, can you compare run times with and without this feature enabled?


Lone Star Boars Owner
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Yes your battery will drain faster, how much faster I do not know the units start up fast enough for me that stand by has never been nessasary.

Brian Shaffer

Hog Hunter
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Basically, standby runs a radio receiver whose job it is to receive a signal from the remote to turn on/off the unit. When that signal is received, the unit goes through the same boot sequence a if you turned it on with the regular switch (which is about 6 seconds). So the only gain is being able to use the remote switch to turn on/off the scope from a different place on the gun. I just use the regular switch because it is readily accessible and because I am the type of guy who will forget about being in standby mode at the end of a hunt and find my batteries to be dead when I go back out a few of days later.


LSB Active Member
Also, standby enables use of olde armasight dvr as an alternate battery pack. That has been my primary use of "stand by". If the batteries in the thermal die and you are in a hurry and you have the dvr hooked up, then flip to stand by. You loose the dvr function, but the thermal comes back up by tapping in to the dvr batteries.


LSB Active Member
I did it with my Apollo many times. Let me try it with the Zeus and I will report back.
In the DVR manual it says the DVR can be used as a backup power supply with any connected unit.
No mention of that in the Zeus manual.
Maybe I just got lucky! :)
I will try it with the Zeus and report back.


LSB Active Member
Yes, the "older" model DVR. I still need to try with the Zeus. I assume it should work the same way as it did with the Apollo. Note that when I got the Zeus (early Sept 2015) Armasight told me the newer model was not available and would not be available for about another six months. But I was happy to get the older model. I actually prefer it to the "MDVR" that I also have.