Got to spend some time with the Pure Hunting TV crew


Albuquerque, NM
I spent a few days hunting hogs with the Pure Hunting ( TV crew this past weekend. Some really good guys. We took several hogs.

The show will air in July or August on the Sportsman's Channel. Will provide information when it is available.

All of us took hogs. Host Willi Schmitt, co-hosts Chris Nowak and Brad Billingsley and yours truly.

Here is a teaser prior to any editing, etc. The camera crew was recording me with a camera set on IR, which will be hopefully shown in the show, no guarantee once the editing company gets hold of it. I was shooting from up on a cliff approximately 130-150' high down to the hog at about 120-130 yards:



San Antonio Texas
LoneStarBoars Supporter
I hope they use you on the show. That would be great! That was a teaser video...I was waiting for the shot.

Curly Shuffle

LSB Active Member
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Remind us us when it goes to air so we can watch!! Nice going!! BANG BANG!!


LSB Member
That was more of a "t". You'll have to remind us when it gets closer to veiwing. Ok now, did you miss, or hit? Was it DRT or did he blaze a trail?


Albuquerque, NM
Lol, T or Teaser, same thing. Have to wait for the verbal exchange between the cameraman and myself lol


Albuquerque, NM
Show will air July 16th at 10 PM EST on the Sportsman's Channel.

Hopefully they fix my dyslexia in the beginning lol. You'll see if they don't. Even then I changed to something completely different about thermal working day or night, will see if it's in the final.

I watched the fine cut. There is a ruff cut, fine cut and final. We did retakes on stuff, or multiple takes, but then the editors need to put in the correct things. If they miss stuff, oh well.


Deep East Tx
Just put a reminder in my electronic leash.

Curly Shuffle

LSB Active Member
LoneStarBoars Supporter
According to a friend of mine that has a new fishing show coming out soon reality is not really reality after you shoot it about 7 to 9 times!!. BANG BANG!!

Thanks for letting us know the 16th it is.


Albuquerque, NM
Tonight at the same time you can watch co-host Chris Nowak in his Colorado moose bow hunt. Chris helped me setup last week, you'll also see us hunting in next week's show.


Lewisville NC
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Great job and on TV way to go Dave

Hunt TXHogs

LSB Member
Is there a way to see your episode online now that it has aired.

I don't have the channel but I want to see it for sure


Albuquerque, NM
Not yet Ben. They have a youtube page, but contractually they cannot post it until 6 months after it aired.

It will be in again August 6th in the Sportsman's Channel. And airs during the week at different times.


LSB Active Member
Dave, can you shoot out a note when it hits YouTube, would love to see it. No TV in our house.
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Albuquerque, NM
When you get to see it, I'll explain the shot of the host, Willi Schmidt, at the end, Willi was using one of my 6.8's topped with an Armasight Zeus 2x 640 scope.

He had my recorder running that recorded the shot. But as he says in the show, they were also recording IR. What happened was, the professional cameras they have can record in IR, which you will also see if some of the shots of me in the show.

However, they have limited range. I gave the cameraman one of my zoomable long-range IR Illuminators and he also recorded with that. That video is what they used for the show.

The interesting thing is that you can see the bullet fly from that 16" 6.8. It was a 120gr SST. The IR light reflected off the bullet and was captured by the camera in IR mode. I think that's why they used it for the show.


Lewisville NC
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Excellent I don't get that channel with out paying an extra $9.95 per month. Too bad
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