Cabelas Thermal


LSB Active Member
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Has anyone else seen these? It's just an armasight zeus, predator, and zeus pro clip on but they just stuck their name on it and they come in OD green. They look good.
But the "Goliath" model is a 640 75mm 3x but it has the HD lens on it instead of the other 75mm Zeus scopes. Like the same lens TLW has on his 75mm in his videos. So now that cabelas is offering it on their model will armasight have it on the newer 75mm? Or is it a cabelas exclusive that they're doing?
Here's the link to the Goliath..and thats not a bad price on sale right now.
Cabela's Goliath 640 HD Thermal Weapon Sight by Armasight : Cabela's