2 days of fishing and hunting


Got a black belt in keeping it real.
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Went to the lake Tuesday and fished all day (caught 100 little guys and about 10 keepers, crappie and white bass). woke up wednesday and met up with a couple buddies and went to his property in Lovelady. After about 4 hours checking all of the spots that had recent activity that night, we hit up the last one.. to find a field full of cows. About 3 minutes after my buddy said "well this was a total fail" i spotted two white signatures way off to the right of the field. After identifying them as pigs we stalked up to about 50 yards.. They went into the thick cover/swampy area behind them.. we could hear multiple hogs back there but in order to get to them, we woulda had to come over a hill top and through some brush which would put them about 5 yards from us. I hooked left, my buddy hooked right trying to find a better angle through the brush. once he got a decent angle and the two boars started coming back out, i joined up with him and we counted down the shot. they were facing us at a 45 degree angle and i didnt have my magnifier on my pvs 14 but we were afraid we were gonna lose em again bc they didnt wanna come all the way out of cover. I figured if they ran, theyd turn and go straight into cover, but after the initial shots, they ran towards us then looped around into a halfway open area where I got overly excited and took too many shots, rather than staying calm and taking half the number of follow up shots with better shot placement. i know we hit them both by the way they were running and bucking. after searching the woods for 30 minutes we were ready to give up. i did one last scan with the thermal and caught a sliver of white through the trees. 30 yards beyond the tree line was this boar laying dead in the field.. the other one was never recovered.

It was a great learning experience and next time i will be smarter about my follow up shots. I think the reason I didnt stay calm and focused was because of the fact that my buddies had already given up hope and then when we did see them, they scurried off into the bushes. Plus i think my buddy was driving the mule too close to the locations we expected to see them, rather than stop a hundred yards back and stalk out to the field so i was a little frustrated... so i decided to take the next shot we had rather than wait on a better opportunity. then i was surprised when i had the opportunity for follow up shots. that was the first time ive been able to take more than 2 shots on running pigs. Next time ill keep my cool and make better shots. it was a hell of a lot of fun though blasting off 8 or so rounds in about 4 seconds!