Spypoint Link Evo mms camera


Santa Fe, TX
LoneStarBoars Supporter
Hope yours continues to give you good results. I took one back after 2 months - not sending pictures regularly anymore (corn was still disappearing) and the picture quality turned to crap both day and night. Replaced it with a Bushnell aggressor over a year ago and no problems with it. Again, hope you have a better unit than I had.


LSB Member
Cell cams changed the game. You can hunt multiple spots at once. I experemented with Covert,Spypoint and Bushnell and based on my area the Bushnell gave me the least amount of headaches and was easiest to activate deactivate when needed without fees. Good Luck!


New Member
Just an update on the SPYPOINT camera, it’s still working flawlessly (knock on wood) and I could not be happier with it. I did connect it to a 12v battery a few months ago and it’s at 85%. It has a connection for the 12v.


New Member
The best place to get these cameras is trailcampro.com

They have lots of options with reviews for all of them and if you call them they are very helpful.

While they are very very expensive, if you want an American made camera that will last for years and can be repaired (if needed) in the US, the Reconyx cameras are still the absolute best you can get.